Thawte™ Notary

When you first enroll in the Thawte™ Personal Certification System your identity is not trusted. To get your certificate/identity trusted you need to find some Web of Trust (WOT) Notaries in your area. I'm a WOT notary and I am here to help in this process.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Newark Web of Trust User Group

Here's the plan . . .

  1. We will meet every last Friday of the month at some specific location near NJIT/Rutgers/ECC where one or more WOT notaries will validate your credentials.

  2. Please contact Thawte™ Notary if you plan on coming, because we may not show unless someone comes.

You've arrived . . .


If you're using Apple's Mac OS X I strongly recommend reading through François Joseph de Kermadec's article on how to set up encrypted email. Even if you're using another platform, this article might be a good place to start. However, a more general tutorial, authored by Mark Noble, is also available.

Anyway, here's the short story.

  • Standard email is not a secure means of communication, PERIOD! Every single email that you send is traveling through many hands, and if your emails are being sent unprotected, they're subject to being read or changed. Worse still, someone could easily impersonate you.

  • If your email client supports S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), you can easily sign and encrypt your messages. Thawt™ offers free certificates that are easily obtainable and will allow you to sign and encrypt your messages. Furthermore, once your certificate is validated through the notary process, your certificate will bear your name.

  • Interested, then go to Thawte™ to learn more

Where am I?

I'm living and working in Newark, New Jersey. Here's my card:

My Public Key . . . .

Get my public key by sending me an email requesting it, and I'll send you a signed email that will contain my public key---you can inspect that public key for authenticity, that is, it has been authenticated to be owned by Ronald Bannon. Yes, that's a picture of me, and you may need that to help identify me. Actually, most people seeking authentication have no idea what the notaries look like, and we meet in a very public setting, so a visual reference will help.